The practicality of being theorotical
I have been studying many subjects and learnt many laws from childhood upto my engineering which at present i should say is more of affectation rather then affection.
Well the problem goes like this which i presume many of the educated indian youth face today..the problem with being practical.
How many of us have really tested the many laws we have been told as eternal truths..almost none i suppose..Even if we do it it is more of an academic pursuit rather then a curious interest in really testing what newton,maxwell, ohm,benjamin franklin or many other supposedly greatest people have said. How poor we indians are in when it comes to the matters of being practical and applying what we have learnt.
I find this trait almost common to us..electrical engineers being produced at rate more then the rest of the globe combined and not many of them have made a radio for themselves,computer engineers being the most sought after crowd for the booming IT industry and not many have of us have done programming more then what the academics requires us to do..Just visit any tech fest and go to the most talked abt part of the competition ,robotics , other then 1 or 2 robots rest of it don't deserve to be on the playfield ,yet they are there and though they don't even solve the given practical problem even remotely they will be praised to the helm. The hunger of seeing the theory working gives such emotions i believe.
This is not to do with the failing quality of the engineering students or the ridiculous indulgence of coaching center's ,but it is the failure of the teaching fraternity who are more attracted to 90 out of 100 marks in a mugged up exam rather then giving importance to the practicality of his teachings and inducing the students to do such more experiments
This sort of theorotical morons are not due to the lack of proper engineering frame work or guide lines but because they have never worked in teams before nor they have been taught to apply what they have learnt .A grand negligence on the part of the government which is more intersted in statistical analysis of the passing percantages..and the genuinely pathetic quality of teachers esp school level teachers who couldn't make it anywhere other then a school do we expect such failures to teach students to give more importance to practicals rather then theory.
I don't believe we lack the infrastructure to achieve these things..the only reason i see is our refusal to build this infrastructure.The other highlight being the genuine ignorance of the policy makers
The lack of leaders or risk takers which is what most of the leaders are is because of the unconquered war field where what we have learnt in schools and colleges are tested.
High time such anamolies are corrected lest we pride ourselves in perpetually working for a foreign MNC and working as a white man's slave forever..who i should accept is the most practical man..
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