Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Unowrthy Lot..

They have ruled the world's richest country for 1000 years and for 300 years licked the white ass of her majesty!! and where at the best a hindrance in achieving the independence for a nation which was reduced to tatters after bearing such atrocities.This third world country was left free on 15th of some month of some year ,the exactness of which doesn't serve any purpose to my blog.

So these champions who all pray in one direction ,apparently in the direction of the center of the flat square earth...were left to compete with the slaves of the land..which by Peace Be Upon Him's grace they miserably failed and from then on they were famously called as the unworthy lot.

This lot has one work to do on earth and that is to multiply ,very much forgetting that in the proces of multiplication they are divinding their value,income and wealth.Some pigheaded person advice them not to multiply so much having a foresight of their plight ahead..but the pigheaded people have never read the arabic book,so how can they know what is good and what is bad for the lot.Some cleric ,who gets excited if a 16 year old girl plays tennis ..issues a diktat which is supposed to be word of some guy sitting on the throne far above the world,critcizing the pigheaded guy who i was talking about for advicing against the guy sitting on the throne far above the world..who blesses everybody with 72 virgins if they listen to him. So the once champions who believe number of heads which stand on a body are important then heads which can think were soon reduced to live in the filthiest parts of any city in any place of this third world country.
Though the slaves of this country soon started to work hard for their country and the family creating wealth and safety had one problem..that is their leaders.The leaders of these slaves are slaves of the champions or the unworthy lot.Well the country follows one jumbo sized ,fit for nothing book called her majesty constitution of the most secular country..which very much sees to it that nothing can work as they should some slave of the unworthy who is the leader of the slaves propses a very novel idea of giving reservations in jobs,education places for the unforseen atrocities and inhuman crimes there tribe has committed on the slavish inhabitants..a very novel way of thanksgiving i should say.
In honour of their unworthiness of which entirely they bear the responsibility..the government orders are passed and the wheels were set into motion..soon the wheels ran out of fuel ,in the name of judiciary which sucked the fuel out of the locomotive which just began it's motion towards development at the cost of the hard working slaves.The next obvious thing is going to happen and that is to change the book which the judiciary follows.

I hope there soon will be reservation and a law is made in this draconian country which looks down upon it's minorities to make sure only minorities are placed in all the positions which require sheer competence and talent ..a sure quality of the unowrthy lot who after being in the limelight for thousand's of years couldn't bear the competence of the slaves for 60 years. Peace be upon them and him and War and unrest be on everybody else.


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