Life after 40,as seen by a 20 year old.
This in response to the previous bloge of mine "the most ridiculous report i have ever read"(* a must read*)..Well probably it is narcissism to respond to an unresponsive blog of mine,but techincally that was not exactly written by me.Now wtf am i talking about it?
Iam very particular about the group of intellectuals i generally love to hate and these are those 40 something actors turned activists turned social workers soon to turn into politicians,with their wealth of experience they have gained in acting out real(reel) life situations for a decade and are now eager to reach out to the people.
These 40 something creatures can be very easily identified in any set of people ,ridiculosuly they have a jet-black-dyed white hair,which outshines even the youngest and the most youthful and they have this shady smile sporting on their faces ludicrously pointing out something they have achieved in acting out in the most mediocore stuff for a majority of time.
So here goes the wisdom that comes with age ..
Life starts at 40 (wisdom)
rant of a 20 something old-- haa really,after bobbling up life for 40 years now they have come to know life has just begun right.I always thought life is to be lived in any age and time but somehow the wisdom that comes with age says it is from 40 well, since our intellectual has crossed 40,life has just begun for this tiny 4 year(your age-40 ,gives your real age) old young tot.
suddenly you start becoming honest (another piece of crappy wisdom)
ohh!!..I always thought adults are known as adults because they act like adults and children are ones who live like children.Aren't these the ones who stop and restrict the young giving their failed life as an example for everybody to prove their point?Aren't these guys the majoirty of this weight on earth?.Offcourse, our intellectuals have lived a life of lies,deceit and are successfully designated as successful people.In reality most of the people on this crap land don't have any other idea of being a success ,as the saying goes honesty is the best policy and it is the policy of successful people these people soon become honest though sometimes they evade taxes and are the biggest defaulters in payment of any bill in any form to the government or the public.They can always do the service of acting for 10 secs ,to help the cause(i refer to the father of cinema at present,who is very much the youth icon of the old,BB). I guess we were pointed to 40 something women who don't care a damn about wat others say around them because they are 40 and it means being honest.I find a tinge of that loathing self praise of i am this ,therfore this-is-best argument.In the end they are honest and we less then 40 cannot be.
middle age in US is 60 and you are regarded as young.
haa so in US people are living upto 120 years with fun and frolic or does it mean people in US are not honest till 60 and they scream and are not diginfied till they reach that age because in India the equivalent age is 40 and people here are dignified and they don't scream(well only the policticians(esp women) who are far above 60 are an exception).They are not even bothered by praise..God knows what happens to our indian women after 40 or do they realise that they are not needed? what exactly is the problem that they are generours with praise now and they were not before?
the other piece of usual celebrity simple life comes out- do yoga,do exercise,be friendly,be happy,talk to people,maintain some journals and i guess 40 something women don't have anything better in life to do then this.Seriously are they so free as our just turned into culture-advisor points out to be. i mean the culture of the proverb like educated men can't except his wife to be virgin and our advisor supporting it..hmm experience does matter in life.
Please i recommend people over 40 NOT TO START reading poetry and learn languages because that is wat you were supposed to be doing when you were young and full of enthusiasm,with an open mind..and when there was this attitude of questioning everything that doesn't fit into the scheme of things.DO NOT solve sudoko because there is no much fun in it believe me you will soon get bored with something which u have to do in exactly the same manner(*program it and solve it once and for all god damn it!! wat are the computers for?*). Last but not the least the taking up of social causes .leaders are born young and they are the ones who take up social cause and work for it just because one is 40 and has nothing better to do ,please don't blow up some real help people need from the people.
As is with these celeb figures they are always jovial and they always try to be funnythey just don't attach that elusive ding-dong in the end to their jokes( for which they laugh like hell),so that we all know when to laugh.
I understand one thing in this land say anything but sense and there is always a publisher or a newspaper to care for the rest.To conclude i accept to one thing..i don't know whether narrow waist and broad mind has traded places for the other women..but for our intellectual surely it has.
The wisdom that comes out of the ignorance that is inherent in youth is,please don't screw up ..just because you have screwed up 40 years of your life..atleast now realise..nobody knows how to live,life just moves on..Don't hold on to the branch to save yourself from the strong current of stream flowing down(the time)..WE don't realise how much we stink when we do this saving ourselves and trying to be popluarly successful, i mean holding on to the branch.Go with the stream and experience everything.The best things in life are not the ones which we work hard to achieve..we don't even realise as long as they are there..that is life..just let it go..and try not to accomplish something..there is nothing to be accomplished.
In the end all it matters is how we lived rather then how we tried to live.
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