I don't care whether educational reservation or job reservation uplifts the donwtrodden but i believe iam bang on target when it comes to reservation in politics, most of the indian citizens would certainly welocome this move..as politics is definitly not worth of interest to most of the public and we as a rule don't care even if a dog is our prime minister. Hmm why not reservation for animals too ? well that is different matter we would consider it in the next 50 years.
Politics is what these politicians make me believe are the leaders in developing this country then should not all the donwtrodden *'s and offcourse the geometrically progressing races have reservations in the Common House of fools so that they build leaders for their communities ..just like how the leaders have devloped this country for 60 long years and they are just never tired of doing so much good to indian public.
Candidates for elections should be issued by keeping a strong consensus on the demographics of the country..if one caste is 30% of the popluation , 30% of the tickets issued by every political party should belong to the people of the same caste,afterall if they don't represent indian properly who will ? Will the greedy corparates care about progressive india as much politicians do ? Certainly not as my dear respected honorary ,godly(everything starts with a small letter) leaders of various parties point it out.Proper care should be taken that the same percent win ,by just making sure evrey candidate from the various visionary parties are from the same caste..in this way whoever wins the caste perecentage won't change.
The reservation system should also determine our PM and president ,there can be no room for discrimination and i had this great idea when i was just doing what most people do every morning in the bog. Hmm , First the country should keep 100 years as the collective time we have got.. and then reserve these 100 years for 100 prime ministers(do we really care which dog it is ) and now these 100 prime minsiters will be from the different castes , if i took the above mentione hypothetical caste their should be 30 prime minsiters from that caste .. like this we can easily decide upon our president and the various ministers .. man this is real growth this is real upliftment isn't it .Iamgine a country of equal opportunities is this not this our vision equality before law ..
Here i would like to point a futuristic vision i had that is reservation for foreigners , well can't we get this straight we already have dynasty coming out with foreign help ..and there bunches of bunches of these legal (accoring to the house of fools) yet illegal (according to the judiciary) immigrants..so should we not accomadate them.India being a secualr country cannot be partial to indians that is gross injustice to the founding principles of the constitution ..may be add up thoese palestians and some african countries because we fight for everybody's justics .. just like we have reservation for people who pay more in education system(NRI's quota) some seats are to be reserved in the resepcted house up there in the heart of india.
If education system is a success with more then 90% drop out(by +2) and the successful iitian-nri's then i can't just understand how this poiltical reservation system can't be a sucess and how can india not be a super power.
Once politics develops like this the other negleted sectors can take care of themselves according to the triple down effect ,which was the vision for our first 30 years of nehru's invisible hand of steady growth.. hmm start working at the top of pyramind the base of the pyramind will take care of itself..this sums up my vision for our growth ..do this and if we are not developed by 2020 , i will be available in my room come and kick my a**.