Thursday, September 21, 2006

Evolution of God

The classroom is all quite and everybody is busy with their last minute presentation that has to be made. There are no teachers ,only students working hard. The time to show the results of their creation has come.
The speaker in the room came alive. They never knew where it came from or whose voice it was. they are about to know. The voice said "All of you were assigned an important work ,and i hope the results are all ready with you. As you know we are in the process of perfecting the art of creation and that is where you god's are helpful. Each of you were given a single atom(not the scientific atom, but that indivisible particle or energy from which everything else is made) and were asked to create infinity from it. The results were encouraging but it seems some of the god's had problem in culminating this infinity into the atom back again. Well as you understand nothing is perfect, and since this statement has to be perfect to make the statement true, there should be some perfection and our goal has been to achieve it ,and there is a perfect standing among you and who it is what we are to know. Everybody please maintain discipline and no unruly behavior or emotions are allowed. Let their be darkness!!"

The presentations started. The first god given the atom created infinity and like everybody else created some worlds but has took perfect control of the world and soon the world was very happy hence he couldn't learn anything from it .everybody were happy and everybody were ignorant. Aptly he summed it up in his presentation saying "ignorance is a bliss". If the purpose of knowing is not to know then one should not know that knowing exists. If he knows not to know then he knows. Hence "ignorance is a bliss" is a contradiction and will be bliss only to lazy god's.
The anti thesis was produced. The worlds created and the simulation started but this time the god went to see his favorite movie while his creation was being created or evolving. By the time he returned to his surprise the cosmos was again an atom He didn't know what happened and couldn't produce anything other then one slide which said "Thank You".
The next god was more eloquent. He was jovial, loud and clear. He started. "I created the 'universe'. That is how my creation is popularly called by the ones whom i created. The atom given to me is identified with "c0s1008" which is the universe. I didn't have the initial creation process as a gradual one instead i was in a hurry to get the results so i gave a small touch, which i know is forbidden to do..and this small touch is generally referred as the big bang in my universe. I didn't create many sects of organic creatures endowed with intelligence. I didn't go by the common sense way of having more information with me, I focused only on the knowledge part. Only one creation was allowed to think. It is the human. The human species i had to endow them with intelligence and some arrogance to, they should one time feel humble in front of me for the intelligence i bestowed upon them and at the same time they should be arrogant about their intelligence and hence they believed they are in the image of me and they worshipped themselves when they wanted to pray to me. I have given them free will and all the time took good observations for my experimental study. With just humans thinking the information i had to deal with was quite decreased. I had to somehow make them busy and let them think all the time, since they are my only creatures that can think. So i induced pain , in order to get rid off this pain they always had to be busy and they always had to be fed with some input and the output was very easily processed. In between i had to visit them some times because the pain was too much for them to bear at times. Put pressure but sometimes you have to relieve them of the pressure else they won't know pressure is there. I went and put some eternal utopias in their mind. Whenever they were inching closer in knowing their is no utopia or heaven i had to intervene and again give them pleasure. Each time my intervention had to be innovative. am called by different names according to the method i employed in my intervention. I evolved a lot from those experiences. My humans think that they are evolving, instead they don't realize I am evolving. They think I am perfect they don't realize they are perfect and I am learning from them. I created them no doubt but perfection comes from imperfection and not vice versa. My project has been completed successfully and all my observations, conclusions have all been put up. This has been a very good experience to me and the atom cos1008 has been submitted to our laboratory and it would be soon kept in cold storage. The video of creation, ruling and the destruction that has followed has all been put up in our video repository and since you all agreed in your minds. I am now perfect. Best of luck everybody else."


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