Please Fwd this..
The only mails i get are fwded mails, implying the futility of the large inboxes or the quality work that goes behind improving very important thing called communication. I got so frustrated in replying to all the morons who send me messgs only to fwd it to 10 more people or fwd to save my account from being deleted that iam pouring out my vent on the one who created them in the first place.
Professionaly being a software engineer which means a lot of free time has set my thinking process on how can we be so dumb in fwding so many messgs. I lay down the history of the fowarded messages.
The first one came from Moses,who is this typical guy who first sets the contents of the forwarded message something like
"Hiii ...Orkut is deleting Profiles again
message: Dear user because of
sudden rush of people signing upto orkut is come to an attention that we are vastly running our of resources so with in a week any one who does not receive this scrap will be deleted of our server . We know that you are still using this account We want to find out which users are actually using their orkut accounts so if you are using your then please send this scrap to every orkut user that you can if u do not pass this scrap to anyone then we will delete your account Just follow these simple steps. 1. Click on the "Messages Tab" in your account. 2. Click on the "compose mail" option which is the last one of the four icons you see together. 3. Select "all friends" 4. Cut and Paste this mail."
But Lord Moses is not such a small guy he simply addressed the humanity(instead of "all friends
" in the 3 point of the fwd message) "Hey you all out there i had this revelation by this guy who sits up there and he said to 1) don't hurt people 2) hurt them if they hurt you 3) Be compassionate towards fellow creatures , and you made in God's image 4) hey don't forget me i told u this revelation" So the message is forwarded just like the above message and it tours all around the world establishing the religion.Just like how dingbats fwd such silly messages as mentioned above and how they believe in such stuff , the similar lamebrain nature leads some intelligent people to eastablish unhindered power on humanity ..after all they working in tandem with GOD as said by Moses.
Then it was the sacrificer's turn ,though the birth process is in itself a miracle that never happend before or ever going to happen which offcourse are just plain WORDS and no real proof other then words from the people who believed earth is flat and iam sinner.Iam being very inquistive lest fall on the side of Satan,since being inquistive or gaining knowledge is a sin which is known as the famous DownFall from Eden. Man! why she ate the apple. Oh the forwarded message here " 1) Love thy enemies 2) Compassionate .. pity and all the virtue related stuff 3) Remember iam Son of GOD". The message though is not written by him,so undoubtedly i doubt whether it was said by him. People or the same boneheads who forward those lousy messages like
"plz dont delete
message: Last week a 3 year old girl (in South Africa) was beaten and
raped. She is still alive. The man responsible was released on bail yesterday. He is walking the streets. If you are too busy to read this then
just sign your name and forward this on. The Government is planning to close
the child protection unit and this is a petition against it. This is a very important petition. It is an essential part of the justice system
for children. You may have already heard that there's a myth in South Africa that having
sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. The younger the virgin, the more potent the cure.etc..etc.." fwded the messg and even now they are in tours all over the world.As much as you believed while reading the message that much you are a dimwit.
As the excitment about fwded messages from GOD brews with man's imagination developing more fastly then his intelligence, the breathtaking relevation of moses,to the birth of the sacrificer came the best fiction artist of all time,with what the angel itself coming down from heaven handing him the book written in arabic language(You dumbbell GOD ,don't u know other languages!!) when he was in the cave.He had his relevation and his revelation again was " See GOD can't tell you all people what he wants you to do.Iam the chosen and the last one (the guy is intelligent and not foolish like Moses or Jesus to forget about the "last" fact.I heard even J.K Rowling is harping on this issue,she wants to kill Harry Potter so that nobody uses him again after her set of kiddish novels are complete) She is intelligent so is this guy and he got on to construct the fwd message "1) there is one GOD 2) Iam the last messenger after this fuck u humanity no more help ,GOD is tired so are we his messengers.It is a long journey from heaven to earth. 3) Kafirs are not GOD's creation so do anything with them 4) help others just like your brothers"
Man is in GOD's image as told by the powerful mafia in vatican(u give them money god has pardoned your sins ,afterall son of god has died for your sins) and man sinned and is now on this earth.Hence GOD is a sinner!! Paths are many but Goal is one, Goal is to realise that GOD is a sinner and a very inefficient creator or manager or a destructor.This is the goal of religions and forwarded messages.. Oh !! what is the goal of forwarded messages, A pleasing satisfaction that Evolution didn't reach to the level of intelligence.
Please forward this and GOD will take you to heaven in no time.
PS 1: some points which appeal to the virtous side of the brain,need not be a GOD's construct .A well trained donkey knows such facts.
PS 2 : you have to accept you learnt different words for the same word "moron" .Why not i looked it up in a thesaurus.
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